Tavo - uno idioma simple
Introduction to Tavo
Tavo is a simple language intended to allow people to communicate who do not know each
other's native language. This goal is similar to that of Esperanto,
but Tavo is much simpler to learn and use.
Tavo was originally based on Glosa,
but later shifted to a vocabulary based on
Lingua Franca Nova.
Now, Tavo is probably going to become a variant of Spanish.
See the New Rules.
The main goals of Tavo are:
Easy to read. Ease of reading is more important than ease of writing.
Easy to learn. Ease of learning is more important than ease of use.
Minimal memorization. Small vocabulary. Leverage knowlege of existing languages.
Simple rules. Few rules. Few (if any) exceptions.
Few surprises. Few variations. Boring is good.
Cultural neutrality. Meanings are not based on metaphors.
No special treatment of regional plants, animals, money, or sports.
Obvious structure. Readers can understand sentence structure
without knowing specific word definitions.
More about Tavo
This page has the latest rules, with examples.
The Tavo per viajar page has many examples
of how Tavo is used in everyday situations.
This older material gives a sense of the size and nature of the vocabulary,
but the actual words will become Spanish words:
Tavo as of 2002-06.
This page has not been reviewed to see how relevant it still is:
The regulas de Tavo page describes the language rules in more detail.
Modified 2009-10-24